Standard shipping has NO TRACKING INCLUDED ! I did not find a way to implement this option in the store system. If you absolutely want to have Tracking for your order send an additional 2 EUR with PayPal to deathstrike@deathstrike.de and mention you want Tracking for your order in the comment section.
I (yes, this is a 1 person operation) always try to send out as soon as possible, but sometimes it can take up until a week until i manage to have everything ready to ship and actually brought to the post office. So if you can´t handle a bit of waiting time go somewhere else, thank you !
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CROSS VAULT deliver a cover of SATYRICON´s "Mother North" while AOD did a cover of DARKTHRONE´s "Quintessence". But these are not some washed up cover tracks, this is a true tribute to the black emperors. Both songs are well crafted and interpreted in their own individual style in a way you surely never imagined. Great looking 10" Vinyl limited to 300 copies only !